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Emergency Medical Technician


Welcome to the Emergency Medical Technician Program at Valley Career and Technical Center. The EMT course is a one year program where area high school students will learn how to handle many types of life or death emergencies as an EMT. The course covers many different topics including CPR, personal safety, human anatomy and physiology, medical and trauma assessment, as well as a multitude of skills needed in the field of pre-hospital emergency medical care.

Students who successfully pass the course will be eligible to take the State of Virginia EMT certification exam. Students may also be eligible to receive their National Registry of EMTs certification which will allow them to practice as an EMT almost anywhere in the United States.

Whether you are interested in pursuing a career in the healthcare field or as emergency services provider, this class is for you. EMT certification is a fantastic stepping stone and important resume builder for those seeking to go into nursing or medical school and is a prerequisite for those wanting to be paramedics. The VCTC EMT Program can provide a pathway to volunteer and even employment through our connections with local rescue squads and our local hospitals by providing our students with a solid foundational knowledge base and the tools necessary to perform the necessary life saving skills.

Course Content

· Anatomy and physiology

· Medical Terminology

· Pathophysiology

· Airway management, respiration and artificial ventilation, respiratory emergencies

· Scene assessment & safety

· Primary assessment , vital signs and monitoring  devices

· General pharmacology

· Cardiac, diabetic, hematologic, and allergy emergencies

Course Details

EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) I  (Semester 1)

EMT (Emergency Medical Technician II) (Semester 2)

GRADE  11, 12

Course Length: 1 year

Industry Credentials Offered

  CPR for the Health Care Provider

·National Incident Management System (NIMS) 100, 200, 700, 800

IS-5 Introduction to Hazardous Materials

AWR-160 Terrorism Awareness

EMT Certification for VA

National Registry of EMTs Certification (Must be 18)

Options After HS


EMT, flight paramedic

Local Employers:  Augusta Health, Local fire/law enforcement departments, Private ambulance services

Career Certificate/ Associate Degree (2 yr) program

Practical Nursing (VCTC),

Medical Sonography (Piedmont CC)

Registered Nursing (BRCC)

Medical Coding (BRCC)

Bachelor’s /Post Baccalaureate Degree (4 yr+) majors

Any health career profession

Instructor Contact Information



School: 540-245-5002
Fax:  540-885-0407