The VCTC Nurse Aide program is a great jump start to a career in nursing or health care!
Nurse Aide I emphasizes the study of nursing occupations related to the health care system. Students study growth and development, body structure and function, medical terminology, and microbes and disease. Students gain skills in patient-nursing relationships; taking and recording of vital signs; CPR; bathing, feeding, dressing, and transporting of patients in various settings.
Nurse Aide II emphasizes advanced skill training in catheter care, range of motion, bowel and bladder training, care of the dying, procedures for maternal and infant care, and admission and discharge procedures. Students learn diseases and body systems as related to advanced clinical care of the acute medical surgical patient, the chronically ill, and the elderly. Clinical experience in a licensed nursing home is part of the course.
Course Content
· Communication, teamwork, conflict management skills
· Infection Control
· Basic first aid, CPR and airway management
· Basic understanding of body systems and disorders
· Patient fall prevention
· Understanding client nutrition, elimination, and daily living
· Understanding signs of dementia
· Ethics and law
Course Details
Nurse Aide 1 (Semester 1)
Nurse Aide II (Semester 2)
Course Length: 1 year
GRADE 11, 12
Industry Credentials Offered
Virginia Board of Nursing—Certified Nurse Aide

Options After HS
Certified Nurse Aide, Home Health Aide, Patient Care Technician
Local Employers: Augusta Health, Shenandoah Nursing and Rehabilitation, Other local medical and long-term care facilities
Career Certificate/ Associate Degree (2 yr) program
Practical Nursing (VCTC)
Medical Sonography (Piedmont CC)
Nursing (BRCC)
Medical Coding (BRCC)
Bachelor’s /Post Baccalaureate Degree (4 yr+) majors
Any health career profession