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GO2TEACH is a new 2 year-program which combines opportunities at VCTC in the Teachers for Tomorrow program with opportunities in the Arts & Humanities program at SVGS.

Students in this program would:

· Earn 18-21 dual enrollment credits in preparation for entering a college and a teacher education program

· Receive extensive training and experience in exploring the teaching profession

NOTE:  Students would apply  to both VCTC and the SVGS Arts & Humanities program.  Students must be accepted into both programs to enroll  in GO2 TEACH.  

VCTC Application

SVGS Application

Course Content

· Earn 18-21 dual enrollment credits in preparation for entering a college and a teacher education program

· Receive extensive training and experience in exploring the teaching profession

Junior Year
SVGS DE Literature, Composition & Ideas I (*BRCC ENG 111 & 112)
VCTC Teachers for Tomorrow I (**BRCC EDUC 200)
AP Psychology or              DE Developmental Psychology          (*BRCC PSYC 230)
Senior Year
SVGS DE  Literature, Composition & Ideas II (BRCC HUM 111)
VCTC Teachers for Tomorrow II (***internship)
SVGS DE Sociology of Family (BRCC SOC 200 & 215) or
SVGS DE Communications (*BRCC CST 110)

Course Details

GRADE  11, 12

Course Length: 2 years

Industry Credentials Offered

*Required for College of Education and teacher preparation program at JMU

**Students enrolled in Teachers for Tomorrow I would complete VCCS EDUC 200 through BRCC.

***Students enrolled in Teachers for Tomorrow II would complete 90 hours of supervised internship in classroom with a cooperating teacher. 

***Students would also take the PRAXIS and VCLA.

Options After HS


Teachers Aide, Child Care, Substitute Teacher

Local Employers:  Local School Divisions

Career Certificate/ Associate Degree (2 yr) program

BRCC—Early Childhood Development

Bachelor’s /Post Baccalaureate Degree (4 yr+) majors

Teacher—Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School, School Counselor, Librarian, School Psychologist

Instructor Contact Information

Name: Lindsey Campbell

Email: [email protected]

School: 540-245-5002
Fax:  540-885-0407